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বিসিক জেলা কার্যালয়, খুলনার উদ্যোগে ১৫ দিন ব্যাপী অনলাইন মেলার শুভ উদ্বোধন ।



Beginning Of Online Fair Of 15 Days  Organized By BSCIC District Office, Khulna on the 16th August,2021 at 11:00 AM. Mustaq Hasan(NDC), Chariman of BSCIC,Additional Secretary inagurated the meeting in the presence of entrepreneurs. Md Moniruzzaman, DC Khulna presided over the meeting . Kazi Mahabubur Rashid(Deputy Secratary), Regional Director, BSCIC, Khulna; Akhil Ranjan Tarafder, General Manager(Marketing), BSCIC, Dhaka and the president of NASEEB, Iftekhar Ali Babu were present there . Among the entrapreneurs Sakera Banu, CEO, Green Nari Kollan Samity and  Salma Rahaman of Grihoshikhon Buticks delivered their speeches. The number of perticipants in the virtual meeting was 69. The number of registration for the fair was 174. The whole program was anchored and organized by the Deputy General Manager of BSCIC District Office, Khulna Mr. Abir Hossain .


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